Recipient: Three-year-old Felix
Disability: Microcephaly and a global development delay
Support Team: Mum Clare, Dad and little sister Lily
Experience: Zoo
Location: Tasmania Zoo, TAS
Family Feedback: “Two days before Christmas out of the blue I received a phone call from What Ability Foundation. They had gifted Felix a family pass to our local Tasmania Zoo. I was really overwhelmed by the phone call. I even got a bit teary when I hung up the phone. Their gift gave us a chance to enjoy an activity as a family which we appreciate after how busy the last few months have been, especially the weeks leading up to Christmas and New Year’s.
“It was lovely to re-connect as a family doing something both the kids enjoyed. Lily had the chance to hold a wombat, Felix cuddled a Tasmanian devil and feeding the wallabies was a true highlight.”